5 Reasons to Plan a Summer Employee Appreciation Event

Happy employees equals a successful business. And what makes the people who work at your company happy? Two things top the list: a feeling of appreciation at work and good relationships with colleagues (according to a study from Boston Consulting Group).

An employee appreciation event at Legacy Stables and Events can help you in both categories! Summer is a great time to host an event for your team, and here are a few reasons why:

  1. The weather. Warm temperatures and less chance of rain in the Triad region make summer a great time to plan activities, especially any with an outdoor component.
  2. Break away from the holiday. Many businesses throw a holiday party every year. But the holiday season can be so busy that people get stressed out from having to attend so many events. By holding an employee appreciation event at a different time of year, your efforts will be better attended and make a bigger impact. (And you can always throw a holiday party as well!)
  3. More flexibility in scheduling. The holiday season is only about five weeks, whereas you have three entire months during the summer. This gives you more options for dates as you start planning your event.
  4. Build momentum. Having an event to boost morale halfway through the year gets people excited moving forward and helps end the rest of the year strong, whether with sales, customer service, or bringing in new clients.
  5. The Legacy Stables and Events estate. With the warmer weather, you can plan an outdoor event, or even one that’s a combination of indoors and outdoors, to take full advantage of the beautiful landscaping and peaceful location of our event venue.

Think Team Building

One thing we love about employee appreciation events at Legacy Stables and Events are the variety of different programs and activities. While holiday parties focus mainly on a meal or cocktails, these summer events bring in more team-building activities and opportunities for employees to get to know each other. This is important for any business, but especially those that have employees working in different locations or working through hybrid or remote options.

We have an array of partners throughout the Piedmont Triad that provide fun activities to help your employees work together to solve challenges or just have fun together and foster conversation and friendship. Some of our highlights include:

  • Axe throwing
  • Escape rooms
  • Karaoke parties
  • Casino nights

No matter which activity or theme you choose for your event, at Legacy Stables and Events we have the space to make it work for you. You can have everyone come together as one big group for a meal or refreshments, and break up into small groups to enjoy the activities. This is a great way for people to work on teams with someone they might not work with closely, helping build networks and loyalty through your company.

Turnkey Solutions

Lean on Legacy Stables and Events to help create a memorable employee appreciation event without taking up your valuable time. Just as you’re the expert in your field, we’re experts in the party-planning business. All you have to do is tell us the number of people to expect and the type of party or theme you would like. We take care of the rest. Our turnkey solution takes into consideration every part of the event, from booking the entertainment to providing décor.

It’s time now to start planning for this summer! Give us a call today to see how Legacy Stables and Events can help you create a memorable employee appreciation event.