5 Tips to Pick the Perfect Wedding Date: Legacy’s List to Start Your Planning

Jen Allen + Steven Bowman--Brian Anthony Photography

January is known as the month for new beginnings and New Year’s resolutions, but it’s also the month when wedding planning gets underway, and for good reason. December sees the most engagements of any month of the year, with anywhere from 15-18% of couples popping the question. No other month even breaks 10%. And it’s no surprise, as Christmas Day and Christmas Eve top the list of the most popular proposal dates at one and three respectively (Valentine’s Day ranked number two).

If you’re one of the many couples that got engaged during December, one of the first steps to planning your wedding is finding a date. It can also be one of the most overwhelming choices of the wedding planning process. There are so many factors to consider, from availability of friends and family to meaningful dates for you as a couple.

Our expert team at Legacy Stables and Events has helped many couples plan the perfect wedding, starting with the date. Here are a few things we recommend considering as you figure out when to have your wedding.

  1. Talk with family and friends. You’ve made the announcement, and everyone’s excited. Now you want to make sure the people that mean the most to you will be there to share your big day with you. Find out from those closest to you if there are any dates in the coming months that they aren’t available, especially those you want to be part of your bridal party. Some people will have already planned vacations and you will want to work around that when possible.
  2. Consider the season. Have you always imagined getting married with the colorful backdrop of fall leaves in your pictures? Or maybe you were dreaming of the more traditional spring wedding, when azaleas are in full bloom. The weather can also play a role in helping decide the time of year to have a wedding, especially if you are planning an outdoor event. Once you know the season you want it’s easier to narrow down to more specific dates.
  3. Peak or off-peak? Traditionally people think of June as the month for weddings, but these days anything from May through October are pretty popular. There are benefits to getting married during peak wedding season: The weather is usually a little nicer, and people are already in the mood to travel. But there are advantages to choosing a date during an off-peak time as well – not only is it easier to get the venue you want on your desired date, other aspects of the event could run cheaper when there’s less demand, helping you get more for your budget. The least busy wedding months are January, February, March, July and August.
  4. Check for Conflicts. It’s not just friends and family’s schedules you need to check with when planning a wedding, we also advise looking at the calendar of events for Winston-Salem and Greensboro if you’re getting married here in the Triad, or check for events in whatever locale you are planning the wedding. Things like conventions, sporting events and even big concerts could mean hotels will be filled up, and you don’t want to inconvenience your out of town guests who will need a place to stay.
  5. Call the Venue! Once you’ve got some dates in mind, it’s time to check with the venue for availability. We recommend couples have a couple of options in mind when calling to reserve a slot at Legacy Stables and Events. If you have your heart set on a particular weekend, don’t panic if that Saturday is already booked. We’ve hosted many beautiful weddings on Fridays and Sundays. And as remote work has become more common allowing for flexible schedules, we’ve even seen a growing number of weekday weddings.


Your wedding date is more than just the time you choose to have your ceremony, it’s also the date you will celebrate your love year after year on your anniversary. It pays to put some thought into making this decision. Once you’ve booked the venue, go ahead and send out those save-the-date cards so all your guests can make plans to attend and you can get moving on to some of the more exciting parts of wedding planning!

Photo Credit: Brian Anthony Photography