Q&A with Chef Gregory

chef gregory

Legacy Stables and Events is lucky to have great chefs working with us to provide catering services for all of the weddings and other fabulous events that take place on the estate. Chef Gregory has been part of the team for a year now, working alongside Chef Adam to create dishes and menus that lead to memorable experiences for all of our guests.

How did you find your way to a career as a chef?
It was not in my plans at all. As a kid, I’d always loved art and architecture, so coming out of high school I applied to the architecture program at the community college. By the time I applied the program was full and I had to wait a year to apply again. In the meantime, I got a job at a restaurant. It was like two restaurants in one, fast food on one side and a barbecue barn on the other. I was an entry level cook, but I got a lot of experience, making everything from pizza and hamburgers to steaks. I fell in love with cooking. It can be long hours and hard work, but I found making food for other people brings me joy.  When it came time to enroll in college this time I entered the culinary school.

You grew up in Barbados. How has your background influenced your career?
In Barbados, the cuisine is different from here. It’s full of bold flavors, and to this day when I make something, it is flavored to perfection. You shouldn’t have to add salt and pepper. There’s also a sense of pride in what we do on the island. In everything that we do, even the little things, you do it to the best of your ability.

What is one of your favorite dishes from your childhood?
It isn’t anything fancy, but I loved the meal my mother made every Sunday. It was always rice with a bunch of vegetables, most of the time peas, topped with baked pork or fried chicken. That makes me think of home.

After many years as executive chef at Graylyn Conference Center, you have come to Legacy Stables and Events to work with Chef Adam. What are some things you learned from your experience at the resort?
I think a lot of what makes a successful meal at a wedding or other event comes down to timing. There are so many things going on, from pictures to speeches, and you have to be aware of the schedule and how the meal fits in. With good planning and communication, you can get food served fresh and hot.

What tips do you have for bridal couples planning a wedding meal?
Trust the chef. So many times people come in with big ideas from meals they’ve experienced, maybe while traveling, or just at their favorite restaurant. And while I’m always open to trying new things, there’s a time and a place for experimenting. When it comes to a wedding meal, you want something that will be good, a crowd pleaser, and something that your chef is comfortable with making.

What is your go-to menu for weddings?
I say keep it simple. Offer a filet and salmon, that way you can please people who don’t eat red meat, but both entrees are simple and elegant. When you’re serving a large group, you want a menu that will make everyone happy.